

讲座题目:Carbon Cost on Generation Mix up to 2050 using Levelised Cost of Electricity

讲座人:Prof. K L Lo


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limate change is a major issue facing the existence of human on earth. One of the main contributors is the release of carbon in the form of carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere. A large percentage of the world electrical energy is generated by using fossil fuel (coal) and hence reducing carbon dioxide output into the atmosphere would directly influenced the costs, generation mix and usage of electricity.

OPT 26 (United Nation Conference of Parties) which was held in the city of Glasgow was attended by world leaders attempting to come to an universal agreement on the usage of coal.  Developing countries including India and China objected to the ‘phase-out’ of the usage of coal but agreed on the ‘phase-down’ of its usage.

his lecture deals with the use of ‘carbon cost’ to encourage the reduction of coal usage for electricity generation. This means in generation expansion planning and system operation ‘carbon cost’ plays a significant role in generation mix in the former and units operation in the latter.

n the lecture in order to illustrate the effect of ‘carbon cost’ part of the China power network is used as an example for generation expansion planning up to the year 2050. Results of different scenarios are presented. 


Professor K L Lo,M.Sc PhD D.Sc(Hon) C.Eng FIET FRSE

Professor K L Lo is currently Associate Dean (International Partnerships) of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Strathclyde. He specialises in energy management system, issues concern with electricity market and deregulation, simulation, analysis, monitoring and control of power system. Professor Lo has been an international advisor and member of many organising committees of international conferences, consultant to overseas power utilities and government organisations. He has held over 30 honorary/visiting professorships around the world and has been invited to speak at universities and research institutes/power industry including the following countries/regions: Switzerland, Canada, USA, Singapore, Poland, Hong Kong, Italy, Colombia, China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Belgium, France, Korea, Qatar, Bahrain, Syria, Australia, Brazil and Thailand. He has successfully supervised over 130 PhD projects and theses and has acted as external examiner of over 100 PhD theses at 12 overseas and 15 UK universities. He is the author/co-author of over 390 technical publications. He is Fellow of IET and Fellow of Royal Society of Edinburgh (英国皇家科学院院士).