

讲座题目:Blackout Case Study - Large Scale Adoption of Renewable Energy

讲座人:S. M. Muyeen




A desirable energy future for any nation is one with a diversity of sources and suppliers that progressively reduces carbon emissions and that is economically attractive for consumers and other stakeholders. Initiatives in increasing the renewable energy penetration worldwide should be aligned with the Government's vision; however, it requires significant technical and tactical innovations and improvements to avoid national emergencies. Most of the large-scale renewable energy plants are based on photovoltaic systems or wind turbines. Therefore, large-scale renewable energy adoption is reducing system inertia significantly, which may cause system instability, even the blackout. In this presentation, a general overview of renewable energy growth is presented and then an Australian blackout scenario that happened in September 2016 is discussed in detail. Then the root cause of the blackout is investigated, and in light of that the blackout mitigation techniques are discussed.


Dr. S. M. Muyeen received his B.Sc. Eng. Degree from Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET), Bangladesh formerly known as Rajshahi Institute of Technology, in 2000 and M. Eng. and Ph.D. Degrees from Kitami Institute of Technology, Japan, in 2005 and 2008, respectively, all in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. At the present, he is working as a full Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department of Qatar University. His research interests are power system stability and control, electrical machine, FACTS, energy storage system (ESS), Renewable Energy, and HVDC system. He has been a Keynote Speaker and an Invited Speaker at many international conferences, workshops, and universities. He has published more than 325+ articles in different journals and international conferences. He has published seven books as an author or editor. He is serving as Editor/Associate Editor for many prestigious Journals from IEEE, IET, and other publishers including IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, IEEE Power Engineering Letters, IET Renewable Power Generation and IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, etc. Dr. Muyeen is the senior member of IEEE and Fellow of Engineers Australia.